
If you are trying to locate your family members or you have info you want to share in regards to the family lines I have shared here on my site please contact me via email. I also make posts on my Book Review Blog regarding genealogy books and topics as well as on my Twitter page and my Google+ Page and have provided the links to those for you as well. You are free to find me on any of them and send a friend request or follow and I will gladly add you. Thank you for stopping by.

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Thank you to all our visitors since 1998.

(To Many Visitors To Count - Sadly Our Counter Stopped Working While I Was On Hiatus)

Copyright © 1998-2013 - My Family's Heart Genealogy All information contained within these pages are the personal property of Ruth Ann (nee McGinnis) Gauthier & Tonya Rena (nee Gauthier) Kellum. We kindly ask that you please not take anything from these pages without our written consent first. Much of this information was generously shared with us by other researches & has been so noted. That information is being used with their permission. Thank you kindly!!

Site Last Updated 02-15-2013